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Coding for Implementation

In addition to "normal" Bytecodes there are extended Bytecodes. That is why the instructions have to be newly encoded as opcodes. Therefore groups of instructions are built up: Kontrollfluß, Stack, Laden, Speichern, arithmetisch, logisch, If, Cmp und erweitert. Those are nine groups which can be coded in four bits. Aiming at an 8-bit-opcode four more bits are left for encoding 16 instructions belonging to each group out of 16 at maximum. Resulting is a maximum total count of 256 opcode instructions the pipeline can execute.

The prototype contains only nine instruction groups, each with only a few opcodes. There should be enough free opcodes to finish the pipeline and being able to use it in a microcontroller, then. In addition it is possible to define dedicated instructions for use in special environments and applications.

Analysis of the Bytecode shows that there are some groups of instructions which can be implemented in one opcode, because they only are variants of one more powerful instruction with different options or operands. All in all opcode count ends up at about 100 instruction that must be executable in hardware for correct interpretation of Java-Bytecode.

Only a part of those executable hardware instructions is to be implemented in this work. Table 4.2 shows those 26 opcodes which represent 53 Bytecodes. Because there is still a lack of space on the FPGA the instruction have been prioritized. Important Bytecodes for program flow and execution shall be implemented from the beginning so that more complex instructions can be built up out of those. In consequence no full compatibility to "normal" Java programs can be reached, but an interface for writing test programs exists on a lower level.

Theoretically the coding of Bytecode itself could be used as opcode as long as there were no extended Bytecodes and all Bytecodes had the same length. Since those constraints are not met new opcode has to be developped.

The results are printed in table 4.2. Priority stage 5 means "must be implemented", stage 1 stands for "may be implemented if there are still enough ressources after everything else is done".

Tabelle 4.2: Implemented opcodes
Mnemonic Bytecode Opcode Priority Group implemented as
nop 0x00h 0000 0000 5 Kontrollfluß directly
push 0x01h..0x08h 0100 0000 5 Stack directly
loadv 0x15h 0001 0000 5 Load directly
storev 0x36h 0010 0000 5 Store directly
loado 0x59h 0001 0001   Load directly
add 0x60h 0011 0000 5 arithmetisch directly
sub 0x64h 0011 0001 4 arithmetisch directly
mul 0x68h 0011 0100 2 arithmetisch directly
div 0x6Ch 0011 0101 1 arithmetisch directly
neg 0x74h 1100 0000 4 logisch directly
shl 0x78h 1100 0001 5 logisch directly
shr 0x7Ah 0011 0010 5 arithmetisch directly
and 0x7Eh 1100 0011 5 logisch directly
or 0x80h 1100 0100 4 logisch directly
xor 0x82h 1100 0101 4 logisch directly
iinc 0x84h 0011 0010 3 arithmetisch directly
ifeq 0x99h 0101 0000 5 IF directly
iflt 0x9Bh 0101 1001 4
braeq 0x9Fh 1010 0000 5 CMP directly
bralt 0xA1h 1010 1001 4 CMP directly
load_w 0xFFx04h 0001 0010 5 Load directly
store_w 0xFFx24h 0010 0010 5 Store directly
r_pc 0xFFx40h 1111 0000 4 Test directly
r_optop 0xFFx43h 1111 0001 4 Test directly
aload 0x2Eh 0001 1000 3 Load Mikrocode
astore 0x4Fh 0010 1000 3 Store Microcode
r_global0 0xFFx5Ah 1111 0010 z erweitert directly
r_global1 0xFFx5Bh 0100 0011 z erweitert directly
w_pc 0xFFx60h 1111 1000 z erweitert directly
w_optop 0xFFx63h 1111 1001 z erweitert directly
w_global0 0xFFx7Ah 1111 1010 z erweitert directly
w_global1 0xFFx7Bh 1111 1011 z erweitert directly

For implementation of microcoded instruction more extended Bytecodes have to be executed: Access to the global register GLOBAL0 and GLOBAL1 is necessary. Other extended Bytecodes are implemented for better testing opportunities. That is why they all are marked as "additional" (z) for priority in table 4.2.

The two instructions implemented as microcodes execute array accesses in external memory. The needed data like reference address and index are loaded from stack. The opcode sequences are shown in tabel 4.3. EXEOp16 is an operand provided for the execution unit.

Table 4.3: Microcode sequences
Opcode Address Opcode sequence (mnem.) Bytecode sequence Opcode sequence EXEOp16
aload 0000 0001 push 2 0000 0101 0100 0000 2
shl 0111 1000 1100 0001 -
push 4 0000 0111 0100 0000 4
add 0110 0000 0011 000 -
add 0110 0000 0011 0000 -
load_word 1111 1111 0000 0100 0001 0010 -
astore 0000 0010 write_global0 1111 1111 0101 1010 1111 1010 -
push 2 0000 0101 0100 0000 2
shl 0111 1000 1100 0001 -
push 4 0000 0111 0100 0000 4
add 0110 0000 0011 0000 -
add 0110 0000 0011 0000 -
write_global1 1111 1111 0101 1011 1111 1011 -
read_global0 1111 1111 0111 1010 1111 0010 -
read_global1 1111 1111 0111 1011 1111 0011 -
store_word 1111 1111 0010 0100 0010 0010 -

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Robert Zulauf
